Welcome to Cedarhome

Seventh-day Adventist Church

Please Join “Every Man a Minister”  @ Cedarhome Men's Ministry

What are we going to do?

1) Study and grow our relationships w/

     God the Father

           His part

           Our part

     God the Son

           His part

           Our part

     Other people



           Spiritual Investigators


           How to deal with _________ (fill in the blank)

2) Build a tool box

We are going to collect tools and armor, weaponry if you will, to wage spiritual war against the evil enemy.  We will drill and practice, to build reflex and toughness for battle, to promote and defend our faith when presented with questions and counter arguments.  We are going to read, watch, listen, learn, and fellowship in preparation for an enormous growth in our church.

What if our church were to suddenly double in size with brand new believers through an outpouring of the Holy Spirit?  We need to be prepared to disciple them. What if it doubles in size again? The men we have now, must be equipped now, to lead the new men to come.  We need to be able to train new trainers as well. We need a system. Why don’t we call it “Every Man a Minister” or “EMM” for short - a men’s only part of Total Member Involvement!   Sign up today! 

In a nutshell,

    it is discipleship training for men,

    It is ministry training for men,

    It is witnessing training for men,

    It is battle training for combating evil.

We will send you information you can use to build and add to your own spiritual toolbox!

Enter your email and Subscribe 

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