Welcome to Cedarhome

Seventh-day Adventist Church

Azure Standard

We are a drop place for Azure Standard.  Look for CEDARHOME Drop ID: 804119


Our next scheduled drop deadline is Monday, March 31, 2025 at 4:00 PM  Drops usually arrive on Thursday mornings.  Visit azurestandard.com/start if you are not already a member. 


When the driver lets us know the time he will be arriving, you can find that information here and on the home page under calendar events. An e-mail will be sent to you.  If there are any last minute changes from the driver, they will be posted here.  Otherwise, we can count on him being at Cedarhome within 15 minutes of the time e-mailed. 

>>The truck driver has asked when we come for pickup that we park either in the parking area facing the road (west) or on either side of the church so that he has plenty of room to take a wide swing with the semi into the parking lot.


Questions: Cindy @ cmillerfpacs@gmail.com or call/text 425-870-1006.